1. Open(simply drag and drop) a GIF/WebP/video file. And click the Photo frame button!
2. Click the [Select from files] button on the bottom and select the photo frame you want to use.
3. Select the photo frame type.
Horizontal/Vertical type fits for a horizontal/vertical image type of photo frame.
Resize type can be applied to every GIF/WebP since the photo frame you selected automatically fitted to GIF/WebP.
Use as a background can be applied to transparent GIF/WebP.
Chromakey type can be applied to every GIF/WebP since GIF/WebP is fitted to the photo frame you selected. You can even make your photo frame transparent by selecting a chromakey color.
4. Once you're done, just click Apply button on the right bottom. Save it and done!
Sample photo frame
Chromakey type
Resize type
5. Please watch the video below if you want more advanced photo frame effects.