Λήψη | Enterprise | Αγορά τώρα | Στιγμιότυπα | Ιστορικό | Βοήθεια | Οδηγίες | Φόρουμ
License & Registration
Bandizip License Policy
How to register Bandizip
Bandizip Edition Comparison
Bandizip MSE (Microsoft Store Edition)
How to receive a receipt
Refund Policy
How to unregister Bandizip
Exclusive features of Bandizip Paid Edition
How to use the Password Manager
How to use Repair Archive
How to use the Password Recovery
How to preview images in an archive with Bandizip
How to use Antimalware Scan on Archive
Features & Technical Terms
How to zip files with Bandizip
How to unzip files with Bandizip
How to use Extract Here (Smart)
How to split a large file into smaller files with Bandizip
How to use Unicode filenames in ZIP format
ZIPX archive format
7z archive format
ZPAQ archive format
Solid Compression
How to open RAR files
How to open ALZ and EGG files
How to use Fast Drag and Drop
How to use Multi-core Compression
How to use High-speed Archiving
How to modify an archive without decompression
How to open a file in an archive without extraction
How to edit a file and save it in an archive directly
How to set a password for an archive
How to encrypt filenames in archives
How to move files to Recycle Bin (Trash) when deleting
How to compress a file even when the file is used by another process
How to use Parallel Extraction
Expand folder tree automatically
How to prevent data corruption by safe backup
How to test an archive
How to copy Zone.Identifier information for malware protection
How to change the theme color for Bandizip
How to export and import Bandizip settings
How to uninstall Bandizip
Update types
Command Line Parameters
Bandizip Setup Command Line Parameters
Bandizip on Windows 10 on ARM
How to troubleshoot when I can’t register Bandizip
How to troubleshoot when I can’t access the email account that I used to buy Bandizip
How to troubleshoot when codepage auto-detection doesn’t work correctly
How to troubleshoot when Bandizip opens archive files automatically when I download them on the browser
How to troubleshoot when an icon for archives doesn’t appear properly in the File Explorer
How to troubleshoot when a right-click menu (context menu) for Bandizip doesn’t appear
How to troubleshoot when a right-click menu (context menu) for Bandizip isn’t displayed properly
How to troubleshoot when the compression or decompression speed is too slow
How to troubleshoot when Error 22 occurs and Mac Finder on Catalina can’t extract a ZIP archive
How to troubleshoot when Mac Finder can’t extract an encrypted ZIP file
How to use a non-alphabetic language character in a password
How to test multiple archives
How to troubleshoot “The parameter is incorrect.”
How to troubleshoot when Bandizip conflicts with Sticky Notes
How to troubleshoot when I can’t open an archive in a network mapped drive
How to troubleshoot when a split archive can’t be decompressed
How to troubleshoot when bdzsfx.x86.sfx is diagnosed as malware
How to run Bandizip on Linux using Wine

Command Line Parameters

Bandizip (Bandizip.exe) and its console application (bz.exe) support the following command line parameters:

# Bandizip.exe <archive>
# Bandizip.exe <command> [<switches>...] <archive> [<files>...] [<path_to_extract>]
# Bandizip.exe <bcommand> [<switches>...] [<files>...]
# bz.exe <command> [<switches>...] <archive> [<files>...] [<path_to_extract>]


Perform the default task specified in Settings. (Usually open an archive.)


a Add files to archive
x Extract files with full paths
t Test integrity of archive
d Delete files from archive
c Create new archive (Overwrite existing one with the same name)
cd Display “New Archive” dialog box
rn Rename files in archive
l List files from archive (Only available on bz.exe)
/cmdfile Read command lines from specified file

<bcommand> Batch Commands

bc Compress multiple files/folders with the name of each.
If existing archives have the same name, (archive-name) (2), (archive-name) (3) … are created. If a destination folder is not specified, the archives are created in the folder where each of the original files exists.
bx Extract files from multiple archives to a destination folder.
If a destination folder is not specified, the files are extracted to the folder where each of the archives exists.
bt Test integrity of each archive.


- Stop switch parsing
-l:<0...9> Set compression level (0: store, 1: fast, 5: default, 9: maximum)
-r- Disable recurse subdirectories (default)
-r Enable recurse subdirectories
-aoa Overwrite existing files without prompt
-aos Skip and not overwrite existing files
-aou Auto-rename extracted files
For example, name.txt → name (2).txt
-sfx:"stub path" Create SFX archive and set full paths of SFX STUB
(Bandizip c -sfx:"C:\Program Files\Bandizip\bdzsfx.x86.sfx" c:\out.exe c:\src.txt)
-zopfli Use Zopfil as default encoder (slow)
-p:{password} Set password for archive
-o:{dir} Specify destination folder
Only with x command and batch commands (bc, bx, bt)
-storeroot:<yes|no> -storeroot:yes Store root directory as top-level folder of archive
-storeroot:no Store no top-level folder of archive
-y Assume Yes on all queries
Close (de)compression windows on task completion if no error occurs
-ex:{list} Specify list of files to exclude when compressing
-root:{dir} Specify root directory in archive when compressing
-fmt:{fmt} Specify archive format
(zip, zipx, exe, tar, tgz, lzh, iso, 7z, gz, xz)
-v:{size} Specify volume size
(-v:1000000 -v:1440k -v:100MB ...)
-cmt:{comment} Set ZIP file comment
(-cmt:Hello, -cmt:"Hello World!")
-cmtfile:{filepath} Specify path of txt file used as ZIP file comment
(-cmtfile:mycomment.txt, -cmtfile:"c:\test\my comment.txt")
-t:NN Specify number of CPU threads used when compressing
(-t:10, -t:1, -t:0)
-cp:NN Specify code page used when opening or extracting files
(Bandizip x -cp:932 japanese.zip)

Examples of available code page
- Chinese Simplified: 936
- Chinese Traditional: 950
- Japanese: 932
- Korean: 949
- UTF-8: 65001
-target:auto Extract files to a destination folder using Extract Here (Smart) feature.
If a destination folder is not specified, the files are extracted to the folder where each of the archives exists.
-target:name Extract files to an archive-name folder in a destination folder.
If a destination folder is not specified, the files are extracted to the archive-name folder in the folder where each of the archives exists.
-date Insert current system time in path. Refer to the syntax of strftime.
⁑ Bandizip.exe c -date f:\backup\%Y\%m\Backup%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.zip c:\source\

<switches> (Only available on Bandizip)

-email Compress and email
-target:dlg Display a dialog box asking to specify a destination folder, and extract files to an archive-name folder in the destination folder.
If any folder is specified with -o, it is the default folder of the dialog box.

<switches> (Only available on bz.exe)

-list:v When using command l, show the detailed information of the files.
-list:s When using command l, show only the names of the files.
-consolemode:ansi Save output txt file in ANSI.
-consolemode:utf8 Save output txt file in UTF-8.


Open archive

Bandizip.exe sample.zip

Create new archive (Overwrite existing one with the same name)

Bandizip.exe c c:\sample.zip c:\src\

Bandizip.exe c c:\sample.zip c:\src1\ c:\src2\

Add files to archive

Bandizip.exe a c:\sample.zip c:\src\sample.txt

Bandizip.exe a c:\sample.zip c:\src\sample1.txt c:\src\sample2.txt

Bandizip.exe a c:\sample.zip c:\src\*.txt c:\src\*.jpg

Delete files from archive

Bandizip.exe d c:\sample.zip sample.txt

Bandizip.exe d c:\sample.zip *.txt

Bandizip.exe d c:\sample.zip *.tmp *.bak

Extract files to destination folder

Bandizip.exe x -o:c:\dest\ c:\sample.zip

Add files to archive, set password as Passw0rd, overwrite existing files without prompt, and close the dialog box

Bandizip.exe a -y -p:Passw0rd test.zip c:\src d:\src

Extract files from multiple archives to one folder

Bandizip.exe bx -o:c:\dst a.zip b.zip c.zip

Extract files from multiple archives to a destination folder using Extract Here (Smart) feature

Bandizip.exe bx -o:c:\dst -target:auto a.zip b.zip c.zip

Compress multiple folders (a, b, c) with the name of each folder (a.zip b.zip c.zip)

Bandizip.exe bc a b c

Specify top-level folder of archive

Bandizip c -root:top test.zip abc.txt

(bz.exe) Create new archive

bz c test.zip test

Rename files in archive

Rename abc.txt to xyz.txt

Bandizip rn test.zip abc.txt xyz.txt

Rename in subfolder abc.txt to xyz.txt

Bandizip rn test.zip sub/abc.txt sub/xyz.txt

Rename AAA.txt to XXX.txt and BBB.txt to YYY.txt

Bandizip rn test.zip AAA.txt XXX.txt BBB.txt YYY.txt

Extract files using wildcards

Use wildcards in filenames to extract files or to test archives

Bandizip x *.zip

Bandizip t ABC??.zip

Compress multiple folders individually

Compress folders with the name of each, and create the archives in the destination folder

Bandizip bc -aoa -o:d:\backup c:\src\folder1 c:\src\folder2 c:\src\folder3

c:\src\folder1 → d:\backup\folder1.zip
c:\src\folder2 → d:\backup\folder2.zip
c:\src\folder3 → d:\backup\folder3.zip

Read and execute command lines from specified file

Save long command lines as TXT file and call it

Bandizip /cmdfile cmdfile.txt

Bandizip /cmdfile c:/test/cmdfile.txt

Spaces in pahts

Use quotation marks when specifying long filenames or paths with spaces

Bandizip t "c:\folder name\file name.zip"

Bandizip x -o:"c:\out folder\" "c:\folder name\file name.zip"

Extract specified files only

Use filenames or wildcards to specify files you want from archive

Bandizip x sample.zip test.txt

Bandizip x sample.zip a.txt b.txt

Bandizip x sample.zip *.jpg

Bandizip x -r sample.zip *.jpg